(NC) Homes are smarter, safer, more programmable and more energy efficient today, with capabilities to seamlessly connect us 24/7. From kitchen appliances that text you when you’re low on milk and offer recipe suggestions based on what’s in your fridge to eco-efficient monitoring devices that you can access from half way across the world, the latest smart home tech is making our futuristic dreams come true.
Here are some beautifully designed home technologies bringing us one-step closer to a fully integrated life:
1. Living lighting. Gone are the days of stubbing your toe on furniture legs as you stumble to flick on the lights. New lighting options can now be controlled before you even enter the room and home, offering automatic access from most hand-held devices. There are now many beautiful compatible lighting solutions in the market featuring this wireless technology.
2. Intuitive energy efficiency. An energy-efficient home is cool for so many reasons — cost savings being number one. Efficient appliances are not new, but intuitive ones are. Using programmable thermostats such as NEST that can be remotely adjusted and controlled by a button or simple voice command, creating a home that caters to your lifestyle is easy. There are also televisions, blinds, vacuum cleaners and coffee machines that can intuitively adjust their energy spending based on your habits.
3. Safe and sound. Probably the area where smart technology is making the most advancements, integrated security helps us sleep a little sounder at night. From automatic smart locks to security cameras you can access anywhere on the planet to technology that lets you create virtual keys for unexpected house guests, feeling in control of your safety at home has never been simpler. Taking home security a step further, homeowners and companies are even looking at ways to create their own virtual private networks to beat potential hackers.
4. Smarter living. Moving towards truly intuitive living, the next generation of smart homes will continue to take us one step closer to a hands-free world, with products that recognize our changing schedules. Think beyond voice-activated appliances to a home that senses your proximity and prepares your space before you even enter the door, sets your home to “sleep mode” as soon as you close your eyes at night or when you leave in the morning, and has a coffee machine that brews a stronger cup of coffee after you’ve had a late night out.
For more information on how you can integrate technology in the design of your space, check out the National Home Show on March 10 to19 at the Enercare Centre, Exhibition Place or visit www.nationalhomeshow.com.
Attention editors: This article is for distribution in Ontario only.